From intention to implementation!
Dear professionals and admirers of the game industry,
We cordially invite You to take part in the project of IGExpo - INTERGAME 2013 - l International Game Industry Conference in Estonia!
The concept of creating a unique game industry platform in Estonia lies in the foundation of IGExpo.
The platform will serve as a place for the cooperation of diverse
professionals from the wide spectrum of the game industry of Northern,
Western and Eastern Europe. Jointly we build an informational bridge
within the game industry. This link will favour uniting specialists and
creating own microclimate for the long-term partnership. Participating
in the annual event in Tallinn you get an opportunity to understand the
peculiarity of business relationships between East and West of Europe.
Conference will feature leading experts that will share their success
stories and knowledge in front of game industry specialists. Dr. Malte
Behrmann, the General Secretary of the European Games Developer
Federation (EGDF), will present a principal report at the conference. The event includes a Pitch contest,
presentation of innovative ideas to potential investors. Subject of the
Conference: video, computer, mobile and online games, their developing,
marketing, financing, pay systems.
We are introducing you a
highlight for all the professionals and lovers of the game business that
will enable everybody to travel into the world of new possibilities.
Best regards,
Organizer of INTERGAME 2013,
North Expo Marketing
Entering the New Year we always start a new game!